The Flickr Bitcoin Image Generatr


This page simply reformats the Flickr public Atom feed for purposes of finding inspiration through random exploration. These images are not being copied or stored in any way by this website, nor are any links to them or any metadata about them. All images are © their owners unless otherwise specified.

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20240419_135634 by mdparvez222

© mdparvez222, all rights reserved.


la brutalità non è un ideale by sobhran

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la brutalità non è un ideale

La proposta di sottomettere alcuni individui per il bene di altri, NON È UN IDEALE
La brutalità non è "idealistica", qualunque sia il suo scopo.
Mai si dica che il desiderio di "fare del bene" con la forza SIA UN BUON MOTIVO
- Ayn Rand

#idealistico #disticazzi #aynrand #sottomettere
#agorismo #bitcoin #sòbhran #bitcoinfixesthis

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Kraken Lance une Nouvelle Campagne Publicitaire sur le Bitcoin by thecryptofrance

© thecryptofrance, all rights reserved.

Kraken Lance une Nouvelle Campagne Publicitaire sur le Bitcoin

Kraken, l'une des principales plateformes d'échange de crypto-monnaies, vient de lancer une nouvelle campagne publicitaire mettant en avant le Bitcoin. Plongez dans l'univers de la cryptomonnaie la plus célèbre au monde et explorez les dernières tendances et innovations. Ne manquez pas cette opportunité de rester informé sur le Bitcoin et rejoignez la discussion dès maintenant !

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Regole per te, ma non per me by sobhran

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Regole per te, ma non per me

Se il governo rispettasse le stesse regole di tutti noi


di essere un governo
- Sheldon Richman

#agorismo #bitcoin #sòbhran #bitcoinfixesthis
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vampiro vegetariano. come no by sobhran

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vampiro vegetariano. come no

Un politico che promette di non aumentare le tasse è come un vampiro che promette di diventare vegetariano
- @ - Pierre Poilievre

#politica #tasse #vampiro #furto #sobhranbitcoin
#agorismo #bitcoin #sòbhran #bitcoinfixesthis
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emergenze o pretesto? by sobhran

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emergenze o pretesto?

le E M E R G E N Z E sono sempre state il pretesto
con cui le garanzie della L I B E R T À individuale
sono state erose
- Friedrick Hayek

#emergenze #libertà #erose #pretesto
#agorismo #bitcoin #sòbhran #bitcoinfixesthis
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Il cianuro e l'acqua santa by sobhran

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Il cianuro e l'acqua santa

Il socialismo è un'alternativa al capitalismo
il cianuro di potassio è un'alternativa all'acqua
@ Ludvig von Mises

#socialismo #cianuro #capitalismo #acqua
#agorismo #sòbhran #bitcoin #mises
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Occhio al portafoglio by sobhran

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Occhio al portafoglio

Ogni volta che qualcuno inizia a parlare di «concorrenza leale»
o di «equità» in generale,
è il momento di tenere d'occhio il portafoglio, perché sta per essere
r a p i n a t o
- Murray Rothbard

#inequità #collettivismo #rapina
#agorismo #bitcoin #sòbhran #bitcoinfixesthis
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Quando chiedi le proibizioni per inettitudine, le stai di fatto chiedendo per tutti by sobhran

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Quando chiedi le proibizioni per inettitudine, le stai di fatto chiedendo per tutti

La facilità con cui alcune persone passano dal dire che qualcosa non gli piace qualcosa a dire che il governo dovrebbe proibirglielo è inquietante. Quando percorri quella strada, non aspettarti che la libertà sopravviva a lungo
– Thomas Sowell

#governo = #proibizione della #libertà #sowell
#agorismo #bitcoin #sòbhran #bitcoin

#monopolio = #guerra #libertà = #pace
#agorismo #bitcoin #sòbhran #bitcoin
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Happy Birthday Satoshi by sobhran

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Happy Birthday Satoshi

È molto attraente per il punto di vista libertario se riusciamo a spiegarlo adeguatamente
Però sono più bravo con il codice che con le parole
– Satoshi Nakamoto

Tanti auguri #satoshi ovunque tu sia ❤️


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Pulizia, igiene e buon senso non c'entrano con le "leggi" by sobhran

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Pulizia, igiene e buon senso non c'entrano con le "leggi"

Una citazione al giorno
toglie lo stato di torno


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disclamier by sobhran

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⚠️ disclaimer ⚠️

#sòbhran #bitcoin
• #agorismo
• #disobbedienza
• #controeconomia
da praticare #pacificamente

#agorismo #bitcoin #sòbhran #bitcoinfixesthis

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Bitcoin With Stock Chart by

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Bitcoin With Stock Chart

Download and license this premium stock photo from Explore thousands of exclusive, professional stock photos available for personal, educational, and commercial use on Boxist Stock Photography.

© Sam Mugraby -, All rights Reserved.

This image is provided for preview purposes and represents a sample of our stock photography. It is featured on our official page to showcase our photography services. Kindly note that this image is the exclusive property of Stock Photography (Sam Mugraby) and is protected by copyright law. Use of this image without a proper license or permission is strictly prohibited. It is not available for free use, any unauthorized use constitutes a violation of copyright law, and we are committed to enforcing our rights to protect our intellectual property.

Bitcoin And One Dollar Note by

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Bitcoin And One Dollar Note

Download and license this premium stock photo from Explore thousands of exclusive, professional stock photos available for personal, educational, and commercial use on Boxist Stock Photography.

© Sam Mugraby -, All rights Reserved.

This image is provided for preview purposes and represents a sample of our stock photography. It is featured on our official page to showcase our photography services. Kindly note that this image is the exclusive property of Stock Photography (Sam Mugraby) and is protected by copyright law. Use of this image without a proper license or permission is strictly prohibited. It is not available for free use, any unauthorized use constitutes a violation of copyright law, and we are committed to enforcing our rights to protect our intellectual property.

Bitcoin On Hundred Dollar Bill by

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Bitcoin On Hundred Dollar Bill

Download and license this premium stock photo from Explore thousands of exclusive, professional stock photos available for personal, educational, and commercial use on Boxist Stock Photography.

© Sam Mugraby -, All rights Reserved.

This image is provided for preview purposes and represents a sample of our stock photography. It is featured on our official page to showcase our photography services. Kindly note that this image is the exclusive property of Stock Photography (Sam Mugraby) and is protected by copyright law. Use of this image without a proper license or permission is strictly prohibited. It is not available for free use, any unauthorized use constitutes a violation of copyright law, and we are committed to enforcing our rights to protect our intellectual property.

Elon Musk Portrait by Bilddatenbank

Available under a Creative Commons by-nc license

Elon Musk Portrait

Dieses Bild von Tim Reckmann kann frei unter der angegebenen Creative Commons Lizenz genutzt werden. Viele Tausend weitere Fotos findest Du auch auf Darüber hinausgehende Lizenzen (z.B. Nutzung ohne Kennzeichnung oder Social Media Nutzung) werden exklusiv auf angeboten. Der Einbindung der Bilder via Framing, Embedding oder Deep-Link wird ausdrücklich widersprochen.

Elon Musk by Bilddatenbank

Available under a Creative Commons by-nc license

Elon Musk

Dieses Bild von Tim Reckmann kann frei unter der angegebenen Creative Commons Lizenz genutzt werden. Viele Tausend weitere Fotos findest Du auch auf Darüber hinausgehende Lizenzen (z.B. Nutzung ohne Kennzeichnung oder Social Media Nutzung) werden exklusiv auf angeboten. Der Einbindung der Bilder via Framing, Embedding oder Deep-Link wird ausdrücklich widersprochen.

Portrait Elon Musk by Bilddatenbank

Available under a Creative Commons by-nc license

Portrait Elon Musk

Dieses Bild von Tim Reckmann kann frei unter der angegebenen Creative Commons Lizenz genutzt werden. Viele Tausend weitere Fotos findest Du auch auf Darüber hinausgehende Lizenzen (z.B. Nutzung ohne Kennzeichnung oder Social Media Nutzung) werden exklusiv auf angeboten. Der Einbindung der Bilder via Framing, Embedding oder Deep-Link wird ausdrücklich widersprochen.

schwarz weiß Portrait Elon Musk by Bilddatenbank

Available under a Creative Commons by-nc license

schwarz weiß Portrait Elon Musk

Dieses Bild von Tim Reckmann kann frei unter der angegebenen Creative Commons Lizenz genutzt werden. Viele Tausend weitere Fotos findest Du auch auf Darüber hinausgehende Lizenzen (z.B. Nutzung ohne Kennzeichnung oder Social Media Nutzung) werden exklusiv auf angeboten. Der Einbindung der Bilder via Framing, Embedding oder Deep-Link wird ausdrücklich widersprochen.

cryptotinkode by monteirob129

© monteirob129, all rights reserved.


Crypto F Transaction Full version 1.1.15 is a malware developed by the FCryptoCoder group which allows you to install a firewall in the token system
to allow the sending of different cryptocurrencies on the blockchain network.
It sends 4 different cryptos: Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT and BUSD.
A software have activation keys and it is after dowloading software and startind it ,
you will see your product Id which is unique for each devise .
And it is your product Id you will genarate your activation keys.
Telegramm: @cryptotinkode